Why Is Memory Foam Mattress Causing Hip Pain

Do you wish to know if memory foam mattresses cause hip pain? Pain in the hip during the night when lying on one’s side is unfortunately common in people over 40.

It can occur suddenly or gradually develop, and the reasons vary.

It can also be due to being overweight, an injury, or a poor mattress unsuited to your morphology.

When your body sinks too deeply into the mattress, your joints become misaligned, and you feel uncomfortable while trying to sleep.

Sleeping on a too-firm surface can also interfere with the spinal cord, preventing it from reaching its proper pressure.

This article explains everything about hip pain when sleeping on an unfit mattress.

Also, read: What is the best mattress topper for lower back and hip pain?

Why Do My Hips Hurt On A Memory Foam Mattress?

Not surprisingly, sleeping on an unfavorable or uneven surface can lead to further body aches.

That insidious hip pain reappearing as soon as you go to bed is becoming an increasingly common nocturnal torment.

Its appearance is synonymous with a total lack of rest and comfort, and to top it all off, the next day, you find yourself unable to get to work properly.

But on top of all that, we’re discussing a problem that will also impact your health. Suppose you’re one of those people for whom the intensity of this pain makes it impossible to find a correct position in bed.

 In that case, you’ll spend the night tossing and turning in bed (with the consequent marital discomfort), insomnia gnawing at you.

You need to imagine that there are causes for this and that there are corresponding remedies.

The Most Common Causes Of Hip Pain

Although hip pain is more common in women between the ages of 40 and 60 than in men, it’s caused by many factors, from being overweight to the wrong choice of mattress to various physical problems.

 Pregnant women, for example, may experience hip pain depending on the position they sleep in and the weight they bear.

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Mattress

Many joint and bone diseases can cause the dreaded hip pain. Beyond these causes, which you can correct with the help of specialists and a calcium-rich diet, there are other external factors that you can control yourself.

And this is where the choice of mattress comes into play, an element that can be the greatest of paradises or a torture machine. The result depends on your choice.

When your body sinks too deeply into the mattress, your joints become misaligned and make you uncomfortable while you try to sleep.

Sleeping on too firm a surface can also interfere with the spinal cord, preventing it from reaching its proper pressure.

Decades ago, doctors recommended sleeping on a very firm mattress for back pain sufferers.

However, recent research and studies have shown that people who sleep on very firm mattresses have poor sleep quality.

What type of mattress can relieve my aches and pains? The best mattresses for pain relief are latex or memory foam.

If your mattress is thinner, you’ll probably experience back pain. A high-quality mattress will be able to conform to the shape of the sleeper’s body.

Mattress conformity allows wider body parts like your hips and shoulders to sink into the mattress, while your waist and neck don’t sink in too deeply.

It helps create a more natural sleeping position without putting pressure on the spine’s alignment and allows your muscles to relax gradually.

You can easily buy a mattress online to reduce back pain.

Chronic back pain can be the result of injury or occupational strain.

However, the stress of sleeping on an uneven mattress for many years adds to the pain, aggravating the condition over time.

Since you spend at least seven to eight hours on your mattress daily, investing in a high-quality mattress that supports your body to chase away aches and pains makes sense.

Interestingly, back pain also affects your quality of sleep.

When you’re in pain, your body can’t get into a deep sleep and experiences frequent interruptions. When the quality of your sleep starts to decline, it can affect your overall physical and mental health.

Pain sufferers often have less control over their sleep. A new mattress to reduce my hip pain. People suffering from hip pain must also choose their mattresses carefully to avoid aggravating the situation.

People with hip problems need the right type of support to avoid pressure. Memory foam and latex mattresses are excellent choices for hip pain sufferers.

Studies have shown that at least 78% of the population starts to experience hip pain at age 50.

Soft foams can wrap around your hips, giving them sufficient support by absorbing all your movements while changing your sleep positions.

Foam is more sensitive to your body, so you won’t feel trapped!

 1. Your Memory Foam Mattress Is Sagging

Having your mattress evaluated every 7-10 years is a smart idea. If it has sagged more than 1-1.5 inches across an area, you may have discomfort when sleeping due to the poor posture caused by lying in these positions all night. It could result in hip pain or even back pain!

If you want to repair a sinking mattress, don’t use old methods. The most effective method is to purchase anything fresh that matches your physical attributes and sleeping posture well!

2. Your Mattress Is Too Firm.

When sleeping, your hip joints must have adequate space and comfort. If you don’t sink far enough into a mattress, there will be more pressure on these sensitive places than if the mattress was softer or larger and firmer, which can cause hip pain and discomfort in other locations like your shoulders and back.

When you first get a mattress, the surface of your bedding may feel too firm. It is because they haven’t yet adjusted and adapted to how much physical pressure or weight is on them at any given time during sleep.

If you purchased an online option, you could replace the mattress with a different one within the terms of your supplier’s sleep trial.

Get a softer, less dense choice to reduce joint pressure while offering support!

3. Your Mattress Is Extremely Soft

Yes, a memory foam mattress that is either too hard or too soft can induce hip discomfort! Although soft mattresses are more comfy, they are significantly less supportive.

They also encourage improper posture, sometimes leading to hip discomfort or lower back problems!

The solution is to use your sleep trial to locate the ideal medium between a mattress that is too hard and a mattress that is too soft.

Short-term solutions, such as memory enhancers, can worsen matters, so avoid making this mistake.

Check out these ten indicators that your mattress is causing back and hip pain.

4. Foam Support Core Broken

Mattresses older than five years may be giving you discomfort! Sagging and indents in your mattress might occur as the foam supporting core degrades.

These issues will arise due to a loss of integrity for this critical component, potentially causing all sorts of pain during the night.

The only method to repair a mattress with a damaged support core is to buy a new one. Mattress toppers will not suffice, and utilizing one as such may make issues worse in the long run.

5. Indentations In Your Memory Foam Mattress

Mattress indents occur when you sit on your mattress and create pain by raising the pressure in different places of your body.

It is due to the uneven surface, which can be painful for those whose joints, muscles, or nerves are forced against particular locations on a flat bedded foundation/top layer (such as around the edges).

A mattress topper is frequently used to alleviate the pressure points they may produce. A new one may be required if it is too soft or stiff for comfort, so speak with an expert before disposing of your old one.

Tips For Selecting The Perfect Memory Foam Mattress

You should consult your doctor to see if purchasing a new mattress is best given your symptoms.

Your healthcare professional will walk you through simple steps to identify the best option for your scenario!

You may also use the following suggestions to choose the best memory foam mattress:

Select The Appropriate Stiffness

Mattress firmness specifies how hard or soft your mattress’s surface feels when lying on it. Choosing the incorrect density might result in hip discomfort and a difficult night’s sleep for you and those around you!

It is critical to understand what sort of sleeper we are (persistent/lightweight) and our favorite sleep posture.

Select A Proper Foundation

Box springs and bed frames are necessary for a good night’s sleep, so don’t skimp on these necessities. When choosing a foundation for your memory foam mattress, you must consider the foundation that will work with it.

Relieving support and pressure points is critical to avoid hip pain and discomfort in sensitive joints.

Think About Purchasing An Adjustable Base

The best option you can make for your hip discomfort is to invest in an adjustable bed frame.

Adjustable sleeping surfaces help transmit gravity and distribute weight to ease hip and another joint discomfort by letting you change positions without feeling restricted.

Is Memory Foam Good For Bad Hips?

Yes, memory foam can help patients with hip pain.

Memory foam is a substance that responds to body heat and conforms to the body’s contour, providing customized support.

It can assist in reducing hip pain by evenly dispersing the body’s weight. It can alleviate pressure spots and allow the hips to align properly when sleeping.

Memory foam also provides high shock absorption, which might be advantageous for people who suffer from hip discomfort. It minimizes movement transmission, so your partner’s movements at night won’t irritate you as much.

However, it is crucial to remember that each person’s demands and tastes may differ. Some people prefer a harder hip sleeping surface, while others may find memory foam excessively soft.

Thus, you should see a sleep professional or test out several types of mattresses to discover which best matches your needs.

How Does Your Body Adjust To A Memory Foam Mattress?

When lying on a memory foam mattress, the substance reacts to your body heat. The heat softens the foam, allowing the mattress to change and adapt to your body’s contour. It is known as contouring.

When you lie down on the mattress, the memory foam uniformly distributes your weight, alleviating pressure spots on your body. It can assist in reducing discomfort and stress in the shoulders, back, and hips.

Your body gradually adjusts to the sensation of memory foam over time. Because the foam maintains the natural curvature of your spine, you may notice that your posture improves while sleeping. It can assist with morning stiffness and discomfort.


Now you know how memory foam causes hip pain. Keep in mind that. Using an inexpensive mattress that doesn’t offer the minimum benefits our body requires will not be the best ally in alleviating this condition.

Choosing a model that avoids pressure points, isn’t too firm, and facilitates blood circulation, will help us improve our rest, hips, and health.

Choosing a viscoelastic model with high adaptability, or even an articulated mattress that will enable us to elevate our feet, could be the solution to end hip pain.

Investing in a memory foam or latex mattress is also good for aches and pains.

A memory foam mattress will soon make you forget your chronic pain, and you’ll enjoy the bliss of night after night.

We have an extended article stating: How to choose a mattress topper for a heavy person?