What Is A Refurbished Mattress? All you need to know.

What is a refurbished mattress? Refurbished mattresses have been inspected, repaired, cleaned, and authorized for usage.

Manufacturers usually restore mattresses or other professionals. They’ll take the mattress apart, solve any inflated mattress issues, clean it, and sell it.

It acts like a new layer, enveloping the entire mattress and giving it a new lease of life while hiding any stains or signs of wear you’ve been unable to get rid of.

Seven years ago, I needed a new mattress because the old one gave me back pain. After researching online, I was confronted by the high cost of an adequate bed. So I decided to go for a refurbished one and am glad I made that decision.

See, should I buy a returned mattress?

Let’s go.

Refurbished Mattress

You can replace your old mattress with a more comfortable one for a very reasonable price. Reconditioned mattresses offer the quality of brand-new products at a lower price.

In addition to price and comfort, you’ll be able to choose all the options you’re looking for, just as if you were buying a new mattress.

So, when buying your next mattress, you can demand the following: softness, firmness, support, hypoallergenic treatment, ergonomics, and hygiene.

And don’t forget that buying a reconditioned mattress helps preserve the environment. That said, it’s important to note that renovating a product is both ecologically sound and eco-responsible.

You can call these reconditioned mattresses “eco-mattresses,” but this in no way detracts from the mattress’s quality and comfort.

What Is A Reconditioned Mattress?

As we said earlier, a reconditioned mattress is an eco-mattress. It respects the environment.

Instead of being thrown away, the mattress is recycled after meeting the quality analysis and test criteria. A reconditioned mattress is a mattress in excellent condition that is recycled.

It gives it a second life and protects the environment, all at a reasonable price. In other words, it helps combat waste and unnecessary destruction of waste.

Quite simply, a reconditioned mattress costs less than a new one and is far better than a second-hand mattress that undergoes no treatment or reconditioning.

In short, it’s a refurbished mattress that meets well-defined criteria and has undergone specific reconditioning techniques.

How is a mattress reconditioned?

Before deciding to recondition a mattress, specialist companies conduct analyses and quality tests. The process involves some different steps:

– Once the mattresses have been collected, they are de-covered and dismantled for examination.

– The mattresses are fed into a mattress disinfection machine resembling a large oven.

– The experts in charge analyze each mattress, looking at the following factors: comfort level, raw material, and stains.

– Deciding which mattresses can be reconditioned and which must be discarded.

– Cutting up the mattresses selected for reconditioning according to the criteria determined for recycling.

– The cut mattresses are taken to extraordinary chambers, undergoing various treatments, including sanitization, induction, and heat treatment, to eliminate any mites, germs, or bacteria in the bedding.

– Once the mattress has undergone all the above stages and has become reconditioned, it must pass a quality test before being distributed through the refurbished mattress distribution network.

Buy a reconditioned mattress.

Advantages :

As stated in the previous sections, at almost the same price as a used mattress, a reconditioned bed presents a better alternative brimming with a panoply of benefits.

In what follows, we’ll outline the key advantages of this practice.

– Refurbished mattresses have the same characteristics as new ones.

– It’s a good mattress at a better price. A reconditioned mattress is sold for 10% to 15% less than the same model when new.

– Representing an ecological emergency, mattress reconditioning reduces the manufacture of new mattresses, which can take up to 100 years or more to biodegrade.

– The availability of all models on the market, including firm mattresses, soft mattresses, toning mattresses, children’s mattresses, small mattresses, and mattresses for large bed sizes.

– The guarantee of healthy, hypoallergenic mattresses, following the various sanitizing treatments they undergo. Reconditioned mattresses contain no germs, bacteria, or mites, which heat treatment eliminates.


Despite all the advantages of a reconditioned mattress, there are also disadvantages.

In some cases, for example, these include

– Average sleeping independence for couples. Less pronounced pressure zones.

– Heavier people weighing over 100 kg may find the mattress more or less soft.

The Different types of reconditioned Mattresses

Spring mattresses

Available on the market since the 19th century, spring mattresses, part of traditional technology, are the most widely used in France and worldwide.

Meticulously distributing the pressure exerted by the body, spring mattresses provide sleepers with both firm support and comfort and, consequently, a healthy night’s sleep.

If you’re looking for a firm, invigorating mattress, this is for you! And don’t forget their affordable price!

Hybrid mattresses

Thanks to their wide ranges and different designs, hybrid mattresses are now the best-selling and most in-demand mattresses on the market.

In general, hybrid mattresses comprise pocket springs on top of one or more layers of memory foam and latex.

If you’re looking for a mattress that combines the comfort of memory foam with the dynamic support of pocket-spring beds, don’t hesitate to opt for a hybrid mattress.

It’s also worth noting that this type of mattress also offers mattress toppers that can be detached, allowing the user to choose the level of comfort required for quality sleep.

Latex mattresses

Containing a material derived from the sap of the Hevea Brasiliensis tree, also known as the rubber tree, the latex mattress has been in high demand recently.

Latex mattresses can contain between two and five layers of latex. This material proves to be more durable and breathable than other materials.

In addition, latex mattresses are generally firmer and less enveloping than memory foam. So, if you’re looking for a firm mattress with pressure zones to give you the comfort you need, don’t hesitate to buy a latex mattress!

How Do I Care For A Reconditioned Mattress?

To preserve your mattress for a long time, we recommend frequent airing to refresh it.

In addition, when you wake up, open your bedroom windows fully and remove the comforter from your bed.

This good daily habit will allow you to renew the air and simultaneously give your bedroom and bed fresh air!

We also suggest the following tips:

– Vacuum your mattress every ten days to reduce the proliferation of dust mites and dust.

– Use tea tree essential oil. Pour a few drops into a spray bottle with warm water and baking soda. Then start spraying the mattress to combat dust mites and effectively deodorize it. This way, you’ll disinfect your mattress!

– Don’t hesitate to use a natural stain remover to deodorize and clean all unsightly dry-cleaning stains.

– Don’t hesitate to use a mattress protector to trap moisture, dust, and stains.

Editor’s tips for choosing a reconditioned mattress


Now that you know what is a refurbished mattress, always keep in mind that f you’re thinking of renewing your bedding, buying a reconditioned mattress may be a good option, given its advantages on some levels, including ecological and economical.

When choosing a reconditioned mattress, it’s advisable to consider the same criteria as for a new bed.

It’s essential to take stock of your needs for the right mattress and start.

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