How Can I Get Rid Of Yellow Stains On My Mattress At Home? : 21 Proven Tips In 2023

Do you wish to know how to remove the yellow stain on your mattress at home? You can clean the yellow paint with white vinegar.

I was embarrassed by how ugly a yellow stain on my mattress looked seven years ago until I learned these do-it-yourself home remedies.

In this article, I will dive into it and explain all the 21 tips from my experience.

Also read: How often mattress should be replaced?

Let’s go.

how to clean mattress stains?

The good news is that it’s possible to brighten up a yellow-tinted mattress. To do so, use natural products capable of whitening your bed.

For example, you can dilute a glass of soda crystals in a basin containing around 5 liters of hot water. Put on gloves, dip a sponge into the bay, and then rub your stain-encrusted mattress.

Rinse with clean water, then dry your mattress in the open air, out of direct sunlight.

Baking soda

Steam cleaning is effective if your mattress has been neglected for several years. It will help it regain the whiteness it had when you bought it.

For a fresh, clean feeling, we also recommend using a combination of white vinegar and essential oils. It will remove unpleasant odors from your mattress, restoring its original shine and comfort.

Cleaning Mattresses With Soda Crystals

Although they require a few precautions (always read the instructions carefully before use), soda crystals – which you can easily buy in supermarkets or drugstores – are a powerful disinfectant capable of dissolving even the most stubborn mattress stains, such as bloodstains.

There’s a good reason why they’re so popular with grandmothers and families the world over: these soda crystals (which are soda ash) have a degreasing power that makes them a multi-purpose, multi-surface cleaner that can be used to make 100% economical, eco-friendly homemade cleaning products.

To remove those nasty stains from your mattress, all you have to do is :

  • Pour the equivalent of one cup of soda crystals into a basin, then fill the container with hot water.
  • Dilute and mix well.
  • Next, take a sponge, soak it in the mixture, and rub it insistently, especially on dirty areas.
  • Rinse the area with a dampened, wrung-out sponge (or use a glove dampened with water).
  • All that’s left to do is let your mattress air-dry and admire the magical result!

Note: as well as helping to clean mattresses, soda crystals can be used to make homemade washing-up liquid and to clean hobs in the kitchen and bathroom sinks.

So once your mattress is clean, it’ll still be helpful in many cases!

Cleaning Mattresses With Washing-Up Liquid

Another one of grandma’s tricks to get rid of mattress stains: use washing-up liquid!

But be warned: this trick works much better on fresh stains than old, deep-seated ones. That’s why it’s so important to act quickly rather than procrastinate if you find a color on your mattress!

To recover a stained mattress with washing-up liquid,

  • Mix warm water with washing-up liquid and clean your mattress using a clean sponge.
  • Once the mattress has been rinsed (with a damp glove, for example – the important thing is to rinse well to avoid staining), leave it to dry for several hours.
  • Now you can enjoy a clean mattress!

Cleaning A Mattress With White Vinegar

White vinegar, well known to grandmothers and smart housekeepers alike for its usefulness around the house (whether for descaling kettles, shining taps, or removing mildew from showers), can also work wonders in the bedroom!

That’s right, and this multi-purpose stain remover can become your best ally when cleaning nasty stains from mattresses. It’s easy to use:

Pour 500 ml white vinegar, 200 ml warm water, and the equivalent of two tablespoons of washing-up liquid into a basin.

Soak a clean sponge in the mixture. Wring it out thoroughly, then rub your mattress with it. Be sure to extend the cleaning beyond the stains to avoid the appearance of rings.

Rinse the surface with a second sponge, moistened it, and wrung it out.

Finally, rub your mattress with a dry cloth to remove as much moisture as possible and leave to air dry.

Cleaning A Mattress With Ammonia

Ammonia is also a magic ingredient for cleaning your mattress! Also known (or not) as ammonium hydroxide, it’s an aqueous solution obtained by dissolving ammonia gas in water.

Ammonia is a powerful descaler and degreaser and is particularly useful for removing dirt and stains from mattresses, for example!

So, to remove ugly stains and avoid stains on your mattress:

Start by filling a basin with lukewarm water. Observing the product’s safety instructions, add a few drops of washing-up liquid and the equivalent of a cup of ammonia.

Clean The Mattress Stain With A Sponge Soaked In The Mixture.

Leave for ten minutes, then rinse the area with a second sponge, dampened, and wrung out thoroughly.

All done? Dry the mattress before enjoying the results!

Cleaning A Mattress With Talcum Powder

Now that your mattress has been cleaned and rinsed, you can’t just put it back on your bed and cover it with a fitted sheet: things aren’t over yet! It’s important not to forget the talcum powder step. Known for its absorbent properties, talc removes unpleasant odors and gives your mattress a soft scent. Perfect, especially if your bed is no longer in its prime and, over time, has begun to give off unpleasant odors or if it has become damp!

Here’s how to get rid of mattress odors:

Once you’ve rinsed your mattress, sprinkle talcum powder over the freshly cleaned area.

Let the powder absorb moisture throughout the day. At night, vacuum up the talcum powder residue.

And you’re left with a clean, fresh-smelling mattress!

Cleaning A Mattress With A Steam Cleaner

Steam cleaning is a highly effective and natural solution for deep cleaning your mattress. The only requirement is that you have a steam cleaner at home.

  • Vacuum the mattress to remove all dust
  • Add a mixture of turpentine and water to the stains.
  • Re-vacuum the entire mattress, passing over the stains.

As well as cleaning your mattress quickly and efficiently, this method will allow you to dry the mattress directly with the steam cleaner, which will suck up the water.

Dry-Cleaning A Mattress

While steam cleaning has the advantage of drying the mattress quickly, dry cleaning is more effective because it’s dry.

To do this, you need to:

  • Sprinkle a little land of Sommières.
  • Leave for several minutes.
  • Rub your mattress.
  • Remove the land of Sommières with a vacuum cleaner.

If you’d like to disinfect your mattress even further:

  • Mix five drops of tea tree essential oil with 250 g of baking soda.
  • Apply to one side of your bed.
  • Wait one hour.
  • Apply to the other side and wait another hour.

Cleaning Mattresses With Methylated Spirits

In the event of a stain, here’s how to clean a mattress with rubbing alcohol: in a basin, mix three glasses of warm water with one glass of rubbing alcohol – a product renowned for its cleaning, disinfecting, stain-removing, and degreasing properties.

Soak a sponge in the basin, then rub your mattress before rinsing with a damp cloth. Dab with a dry cloth to remove as much moisture as possible, then leave to dry and admire the result.

Clean Your Mattress With Baking Soda.

Over the years, it’s not uncommon for mattresses to become impregnated with various odors, not all of them pleasant! Fortunately, a super-product to end these dubious odors is baking soda, with its naturally absorbent and purifying properties.

Sprinkle baking soda all over your mattress and leave for at least 5 hours, then vacuum the mattress to remove it.

Deodorize your mattress with essential oils.

Suppose you’re worried that baking soda won’t be enough to deodorize your mattress perfectly. In that case, you can add a few drops of essential oils with purifying properties, such as eucalyptus essential oil.

Cleaning Mattresses With Fabric Stain Remover

If you find a greasy stain on your mattress, use a Texclean fabric cleaner-degreaser. Always follow the same procedure: spray on the product, rub with a clean, dry cloth, then rinse and leave to dry.

 Clean Your Mattress With 90° Alcohol.

Do you like to have breakfast in bed at the weekend, but unfortunately, you’ve spilled your cup of coffee on your white mattress? Don’t panic: pour 90° alcohol on the stain (while it’s still fresh!), rub with a damp sponge, rinse thoroughly, and leave your mattress to dry.

 Clean Your Mattress With Marseille Soap.

To remove stains from a mattress using Marseille soap, rub the soiled areas with dry soap shavings, then leave for at least 4-5 hours. Finish by rinsing the bed before leaving it to air-dry.

 Clean Your Mattress With Turpentine.

I got an old mattress full of stains that seem to have been there for ages, and I don’t know how to get rid of them.

Head to your workshop in search of turpentine, then mix it with water and scrub stubborn stains with a brush. Rinse and leave to dry.

Cleaning Mattresses With Hydrogen Peroxide

To clean a mattress full of stains or cigarette burns, hydrogen peroxide can work miracles! It’s easy to use: wear gloves, soak a sponge in hydrogen peroxide, and clean your mattress before rinsing.

Clean Your Mattress With Lemon Juice.

Do you have a mattress with moisture, rust, or ink stains? Removing them gently requires lemon juice’s cleansing and purifying power! To do this, cut your lemon in half, dampen your mattress, rub the stains with the lemon, and then rinse.

 Clean Your Mattress With Oven Cleaner.

If, despite your best efforts, the stains on your mattress won’t go away, go for the big guns and use oven cleaner, which can’t be beaten on stained mattresses. Remember to protect your hands with gloves before spraying the product onto the stains, then rub with a sponge before rinsing.

Clean Your Mattress With Lard.

Incredible but true: if you get a stubborn stain on your mattress, you can use a little lard! Leave for 12 hours, then apply white spirit to loosen the stain.

Optimum Mattress Drying

Cleaning your mattress is all very well. But it would help if you still let it dry properly afterward. A badly-dried bed can be synonymous with dampness and mold, harming your health. To ensure proper drying, clean your mattress in the morning.

It will then have time to dry during the day.


Now that you know how to remove the yellow stain on your mattress, remember to rub the treated area with a clean bath towel once the mattress stain has been cleaned.

Leave to dry near an open window. And if you have the time, you can also speed up the process by drying the mattress with the warm blast of your hairdryer.

Finally, don’t make up the bed until the evening after you’ve ensured the mattress is completely dry!

I have an extended article stating Why does a mattress turn yellow?