Is It Effective To Listen To Music To Sleep Soundly?

Is it effective to listen to music to sleep soundly? You may have already heard of music therapy.

This practice promotes the benefits of music on the nervous system. Australian researchers have shown that listening to music to help you sleep deeper and faster is effective.

We are often told to turn off all electronic and connected objects before going to bed to get a peaceful night’s sleep. And that’s true!

But listening to a little music before going under the covers could have very good effects on the quality of sleep and the time it takes to fall asleep.

Conditions To Favor

Create a little cocoon for yourself, for example, in your bedroom. Make yourself comfortable. The important thing is to feel comfortable and as relaxed as possible.

Placing the room in the dark and spraying it with essential oils can help with the relaxation process. Don’t do any other activity on the side, the main thing is to concentrate on the music you are listening to.

What Kind Of Music To Listen To?

Certain styles of music are more conducive to relaxation. Instrumental music for example, because the sounds and words stimulate memory and thinking… Don’t start karaoke just before bed!

You might think that “extreme” music would only awaken the brain a little more, but it seems to be the opposite…

This Australian study demonstrated that listening to metal, rock, and electro would allow you to feel relaxed and release tension.

The Effectiveness Of Relaxation Music

Relaxation music or Zen music works on two levels. The composers of this music create an auditory context leading to relaxation thanks to slow and soft sounds.

They seek to capture the listener’s concentration to provide relaxation which will allow them to fall asleep more quickly.

In our time, we have become multitaskers, everything has to go quickly and we are programmed for efficiency.

So lying down on your bed and focusing solely on these musical notes allows you to treat yourself to a moment of relaxation and meditation.

The mind gradually unloads all its accumulated stress to make room for relaxation and finally fall asleep peacefully.

Relaxing Music For The Heartbeat

In addition to its effects on falling asleep and sleeping, relaxation music to fall asleep quickly and deeply has a direct effect on our health and our breathing.

According to this study, this type of music slows down the heart rate.

These effects are similar to those of meditation, which relieves the nervous system, lowers blood pressure, relieves stress, and relaxes the mind and body.

Slowing your heart rate makes it easier and quicker to fall asleep. If you want to treat sleep disorders such as insomnia, this type of music can be effective.

Integrate A Musical Moment Into Your Routine

To feel the positive effects of music in the long term, researchers in this field recommend practicing a daily routine.

Listening to music every evening at the same time for at least three weeks helps improve sleep and treat insomnia, nocturnal awakenings, nightmares, etc.

Your brain will get used to this daily moment of relaxation and this will allow you to sleep better every night.

To optimize the effects, it is recommended to compile relaxing music that makes you feel good and to listen to it at a very low volume.

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