Why Do I Have Nightmares Every Night, How To Get Rid Of Them?

Why do I have nightmares every night? How do I get rid of them? Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night scared and sweaty because you had a bad dream?

Rest assured, you are not the only one in this situation. It can happen to anyone, children or adults, to have nightmares.

For some people, nightmares every night are common, or almost common, which can be quite destabilizing.

In this article, we look at nightmares and their causes.

We will try to understand why this phenomenon occurs and then we will present the different methods that you can try to get rid of it.

Also read: Sleeping On The Floor: Advantages And Disadvantages

Let’s go.

Nightmare: What Meaning?

Nightmares are distressing dreams. They come from the unconscious and appear during the period of REM sleep, just after slow-wave sleep, which is the last phase of the sleep cycle.

Nightmares trigger a lot of strong emotions such as

  • the fear,
  • anxiety,
  • the despair
  • or distress.

When these emotions are too difficult to digest, the person may have difficulty going back to sleep once awake.

The scenario in a nightmare varies from person to person. However, in most cases, it is a chase, a hopeless hostage-taking or a humiliating situation.

The real question is why this is happening.

Nightmares Every Night: What Causes?

There are many reasons why we have recurring nightmares. Here are a few.

The Stress

Generally, nightmares occur during times when you are stressed.

Perhaps you have had too much work lately, or do you feel pressure or discomfort because high hopes are pinned on you?

Combined with the fear of failure, these uncertainties can be the cause of difficult nights.


Do you have nightmares with identical scenarios? In this case, the cause may be a dramatic event that has occurred in your life, and which has left a mark in your subconscious.

This is called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In such a state, nightmares can be more intense, to the point of making you lose sleep.

Drugs Or Alcohol

Nightmares can be the manifestation of the side effects of taking certain medications. Antidepressants belong to this category of drugs.

Thus, people on medication are more likely to have nightmares.

In addition, excessive consumption of drugs and alcohol can cause sleep disorders and therefore nightmares.

The Pregnancy

It may sound strange, but scientific studies have shown that pregnant women have more nightmares than non-pregnant women.

It is related to their condition. Indeed, about 72% of pregnant women have nightmares during the 2nd trimester of their pregnancy.

During pregnancy, some women may feel fearful simply at the thought that something could happen to their child.

This state of affairs creates a certain anxiety that justifies the occurrence of nightmares.

Having nightmares is not inherently bad. This is how the subconscious expresses itself. On the other hand, if you have frequent episodes, you need to find a way to get rid of them to sleep well at night.

How To Get Rid Of Your Recurring Nightmares?

To get rid of your nightmares, or at least reduce their frequency, you have to get rid of the stress. A great way to do this is to share your feelings.

By taking the time to explain to your loved ones what stresses you on a daily basis, you will get tips for better managing your moods or support.

So you can release the pressure. This is the first step towards healing.

To eliminate stress, it is also advisable to practice a relaxing activity before going to bed. Reading a book or listening to music can be particularly soothing to the mind.

A relaxed mind is less in turmoil, which greatly reduces the risk of having nightmares at night.

Another tip for getting rid of your nightmares every night or reducing their frequency is to talk about them openly.

It’s even a good idea to write down everything you remember in a notebook.

More than the scenario, it is the facts that interest. The goal is to think back to all these events over the next few hours and try to invent a “happy ending”.

You will see that it will do you a lot of good.

Preparation is not only mental, it is also physical. Specialists and other sleep therapists recommend avoiding heavy foods as much as possible and drinking alcohol or coffee before sleeping.

This should allow you to be relaxed in order to spend a peaceful night without nightmares.


If despite everything, the nightmares persist, it would be better to consult a psychologist or a therapist who will help you identify the real causes through specific exercises.

Thanks to an appropriate treatment, you will be able to return to a normal life and will be able to enjoy your nights again.

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