What are the different opinions on the heavy blanket?

What are the different opinions on the heavy blanket? Many people complain of having short and unrefreshing nights.

Indeed, insomnia is a phenomenon that affects 17,8% of people across all socio-professional categories.

Sleep specialists and other therapists are offering solutions to this problem.

What If You Opted For A Heavy Blanket?

According to the opinions on the heavy blanket and testimonials collected on the web, this duvet can very well replace medication or relaxation techniques such as ASMR which quickly show their limits.

The heavy blanket helps you fall asleep

After a few days of use, a user shared his opinions on a health forum:

“When you have spent so many years tossing and turning in bed and looking for the ideal position to sleep, you are relieved to find yourself in a comfortable blanket.”

You can read a lot of positive testimonials on the web. A certain number still attract attention, like this one:

“It’s quite a special experience to sleep through the night and wake up completely relaxed.”

What emerges from the many heavy blanket reviews is the ability of these duvets to create favorable conditions for the sleeper to get a good night’s sleep.

Once in the blanket, the latter can indeed enjoy maximum comfort. And the least we can say is that it works.

Heavy Blanket Fights Stress And Anxiety

On the web, a whole literature is available on the functioning of heavy blankets designed to combat stress and anxiety.

Experts explain that the duvet’s impact on the body of the sleeper is comparable to a massage or an embrace.

This deep pressure that the user experiences, also called “Deep Touch Pressure”, will cause the release of hormones (serotonin and melatonin) which will allow them to be more relaxed.

So, if users rave about heavy blankets, it is largely for their calming and soothing properties.

They provide maximum well-being to sleepers on a physical and psychological level. They can let go and focus on their physical sensations in the hope of relieving stress and anxiety.

This is undoubtedly why doctors used it in the past and why sleep specialists themselves do not hesitate to use it for sensory stimulation therapies for people.

suffering from sensory disorders (autism or ADHD),

suffering from restless legs syndrome, or PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

These professionals also recommend its use at home.

According to other heavy blanket reviews, this type of blanket enhances sleep quality and lessens fibromyalgia-related pain. We then understand why they are very popular with adults and children.

How To Choose The Right Heavy Blanket To Sleep Better And Combat Anxiety And Stress?

Here are the most important points to take into account when choosing your heavy cover. Of course, everyone will have their own opinion regarding its use.

A Suitable Weight

Choosing a weighted blanket should take into account its weight, which is essential for quality sleep. In general, we recommend coverage representing approximately 10% of your weight.

For example, for a weight of 60 kg, opt for a 6 kg blanket. However, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s advice, as indications may vary between brands.

Filling Material

Heavy blankets contain various materials, such as glass beads, plastic beads or even steel microbeads.

Choose a quality, hypoallergenic material to avoid allergies. In addition, make sure that the distribution of these microbeads is uniform to guarantee balanced pressure throughout the body.

Cover Dimensions

The size of the cover is another crucial aspect. It should cover your entire body, from your chin to your feet, without going beyond the edges of the bed.

If you sleep with a partner, you can choose a larger blanket to cover both sides of the bed or opt for individual blankets.

Detachable Cover Or Not

Prefer a heavy blanket equipped with a removable cover to facilitate maintenance. Make sure the cover is machine washable and durable to prevent it from deteriorating after multiple washes.

Medical Recommendations

If you have a medical condition or are taking medications such as sleeping pills, consult your doctor before using a heavy blanket.

They will be able to provide you with recommendations more suited to your state of health.

Tests And Feedback

Finally, it is recommended to choose a trusted brand that offers a trial period and a flexible return policy.

This will allow you to test the heavy blanket for a few nights to make sure it meets your needs for sleep and relief from anxiety and stress.

If it doesn’t fit, you should be able to easily return it or exchange it for something heavier or lighter depending on your preference.

What Are Heavy Blankets Good For?

According to most epidemiological studies, nearly a third of the population of industrialized countries suffers from sleep problems, affecting all categories of people, from adolescents to the elderly.

However the drug treatments offered are very often addictive, or can produce undesirable side effects; As for psychological and behavioral methods, they frequently require long therapy sessions.

It is in this context that the application of deep pressure, using heavy blankets, has been shown to have a calming and relaxing effect.

Thus, such a blanket, which will be greater than 10% of the person’s body weight, can provide real benefits for sleep.

Previously reserved mainly for psychiatric care services, the use of heavy blankets is now aimed at a wide adult and adolescent audience.

Read the full article here.

What Is A Heavy Blanket Called?

The heavy blanket, otherwise called a weighted blanket, is a sleep accessory whose particularity is that its weight is greater than that of a traditional blanket.

Made up of hypoallergenic microbeads, it can be covered with different fabrics.

Its current popularity is due to the health benefits it offers. We can cite better quality sleep, a reduction in anxiety, and a healing effect on certain psychological and emotional disorders.


Now that you know the different opinions on heavy blankets, always keep in mind that the potential of these duvets to produce favorable conditions for the sleeper to achieve a good night’s sleep appears from the many thick blanket reviews.

Once wrapped in the blanket, the latter can truly relax. And we can at least say that it works.

I have an extended article stating: Study Shows That Weighted Blankets Can Reduce The Severity Of Insomnia