How Do I Fix A Sagging Latex Mattress?

How do I fix a sagging latex mattress? As the nights go by, your latex mattress supports your body and your weight. 

It may, with wear and time, begin to sag. In this case, your sleeping comfort is no longer guaranteed. 

Sleeping on a damaged mattress can also cause back pain. The quality of your bedding is essential for restful nights.

Find our guide on the lifespan and maintenance of latex mattresses and discover the solutions for a latex mattress that sags.

Also read: Why mattress sags in the middle.

Let’s dive in.

How Do You Repair And Restore Sagging Latex Bedding?

Use A Mattress Topper Or Mattress Protector

One of the most common and cheapest ways to cover up annoying sagging is to purchase a mattress topper. Yes, it is a temporary solution, but it is effective.

Memory foam and latex foam are two popular materials used in high-end mattresses due to their ability to conform to the shape of the body and relieve pressure, making them common choices for mattress toppers. 

If a mattress topper isn’t right for you, you can try a mattress protector. These mattresses are usually made with down or polyester sewn on top for plush cushioning.

Read the advantages of mattress toppers.

Try Additional Mattress Supports

Sometimes, the solution isn’t to fix the top layers of your latex bedding, but rather the middle support lay reinforced reinforcing the underside of your bed using different products.

Some of these may be items you already have at home, while others require an additional investment to get a good night’s sleep.

Flip Or Rotate Your Mattress

Rotating your mattress regularly helps keep the surface even and prevents sagging from accumulating in one place. 

However, this solution only sometimes lasts, and some users end up turning their mattress completely over to be able to enjoy restful sleep.

Flipping your mattress will only work if:

  • your mattress is double-sided, meaning it has been designed so you can sleep on both sides
  • you prefer to sleep on the much firmer side with the support cores on top.

Why Do Mattresses Sag?

Knowing the causes of foam mattress sagging can help you prevent it.

Of course, some of these factors can’t really be avoided, and if they apply to you, you might be better off sleeping on a different type of mattress, like a latex or hybrid bed.

Additional weight on the mattress

Most latex mattresses should be around 10 to 12 inches thick, with more luxurious models reaching even greater heights. 

In general, a thinner mattress will sag much more quickly, meaning the more pressure you put on it, the shorter its lifespan.

Lack of kernel support

High-quality mattresses should have a support core in the base layer. Latex bedding uses high-density foam in the base.

Poor support can result in an uneven surface, which is why it helps to reinforce the box spring.

The most common areas of sagging appear where your body normally rests.

Many companies use transition foams to add contour and support to these areas.

Bad box spring

It doesn’t matter whether you bought an expensive or cheap mattress; if you use it on an incompatible box spring or a weak latex bedding frame, you will have a very uncomfortable night.

Latex Mattress Sagging: Some Tips

A latex mattress generally has a lifespan of around ten years. If it is of very high quality and maintenance is rigorous, it is possible to enjoy it for a few more years. 

But at some point, a new mattress purchase will be inevitable. If your sagging latex mattress is more than ten years old, it’s time to change it. 

See what to consider when buying a mattress.

To ensure nighttime comfort while waiting to purchase a new latex mattress, start by checking your slatted base. 

It is possible that a slat is damaged and is therefore responsible for the sagging of your latex mattress.

It will allow you to replace the slat in the question of the box spring rather than the mattress.

If the problem does not come from your box spring, have you thought about turning your latex mattress onto the other side? 

It will better distribute the material and prevent your weight from only weighing on one side of the mattress. 

The mattress topper can also be an interesting solution if you find that your latex mattress has lost comfort and firmness.

How To Choosing Your New Latex Mattress Wisely

To avoid ending up with a sagging mattress, choosing your new latex mattress is important. For a quality bed and bedding, follow our advice:

  • Choose comfortable bedding that adapts to your body shape with different comfort zones.
  • Choose a high density to ensure ideal firmness.
  • Opt for a latex mattress with a good thickness (minimum 20 cm).


Now that you know how to fix a sagging latex mattress, always keep in mind that for comfortable bedding, you must combine your latex-type mattress with a slatted base.

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