Smart Sleep: Tools To Understand Your Sleep Habits

To help you understand your sleep, connected tools are there. More and more numerous, they act to analyze your sleeping habits down to the smallest detail!

So, what solutions accompany you to help you better monitor your nights? Can connected sleep help you sleep better? We tell you everything!

Also, read: What To Do Before Going To Sleep For Better Quality Sleep?

Let’s go.

Connected Sleep To Understand Your Sleep

Connected devices help you better monitor your sleep, by analyzing your nighttime behaviors.

Thanks to them, your breathing, your heart rate, the duration of each of your phases of sleep, your movements, your changes of position, the noises present in the room, the micro-awakenings, and the phases of falling asleep are scrutinized and passed at the screen.

Thanks to connected sleep solutions, you then know everything about your sleep…

And it is indeed by knowing all the details of your nights that you will have all the cards in hand to easily identify where your main problem is, the one that prevents you from waking up in great shape!

  • Do you have difficulty falling asleep?
  • Do you need to sleep longer?
  • Do you need to go to bed earlier?
  • Do you frequently experience unwanted awakenings during the night? How many times? Can you fall back asleep easily?
  • Is the temperature of your room disturbing your nights?
  • Do noises in your sleep environment cause you to wake up unexpectedly?

All the answers to these questions are offered to you with the tools for connected sleep.

Which Connected Objects To Understand Your Sleep?

The Bracelet Or The Connected Watch

This is the best-known connected tool for analyzing sleep.

Just wear the bracelet or the watch on your wrist, and the tool collects your data second by second, to offer you a perfect summary of your sleep habits.

Sensory sensors record the time you go to bed and the time you fall asleep. It then analyzes the duration of each of your sleep phases:

  • Light sleep
  • Deep sleep
  • Paradoxical sleep

And when your night is over, you can then analyze what your weak point is, and what type of sleep you lack!

In addition to telling you how long your deep sleep, light sleep, and REM sleep lasted, the watch or bracelet of course tells you in which average you should be.

The connected object also records the times of the night during which you woke up, and the time it took you to go back to sleep.

Thus, if your light sleep phase lasts too long, it may be wise to turn to solutions that reinforce your deep sleep: do more physical exercise during the day, ensure that your sleeping environment is sufficiently calm and dark, fight against stress through breathing exercises, meditation, relaxation, or surround yourself with quality bedding.

Sleep Monitors

With sleep monitors, you can monitor the sleep of all your family members. You just need to place the sensors in each of the beds.

These are connected to the central monitor, itself connected to an application that summarizes all the data related to the sleep of the whole family: hours of falling asleep, duration of sleep and phases, alarm clock…

Some monitors also help you optimize your sleep environment: they then measure the quality of the ambient air, the temperature of the room, or the humidity level.

The goal? Help you enjoy an ideal sleeping environment!

The Headband For Connected Sleep

The connected headband is placed on the sleeper’s head. Thanks to sensors that are placed on the forehead, it analyzes his brain activity.

The headband, connected to your smartphone, then records all the physiological data of your body, such as brain waves, heart rate, and respiratory rate for example.

You can then know everything about your night down to the smallest detail: duration of your sleep phases, data on your breathing, your heart rate, and analysis of the position in which you slept.

With this collected information, you will be told how much sleep you need and how bad your sleep deficit is.

A complete analysis of the quality of your nights will be given to you, as well as their impact on your days.

At the same time, an application downloaded to your smartphone records all this data related to your sleep cycles to provide you with tailor-made advice that aims to improve your nights.

Some headbands go even further by broadcasting white noise: this noise aims to promote and strengthen your sleep. It also helps you fall asleep faster.

White noise superimposes several sound waves, which saturate your auditory receptors. Results? Other sounds are masked and attenuated, and your sleep is peaceful.

The Connected Pillow

Connected pillows are equipped with sensors, which are placed inside the padding. These are these imperceptible sensors that analyze your sleep.

It is essential to note that this is a solution that does not emit waves: the pillow measures and records your sleep cycles on an application that you can download to your smartphone.

Some pillows also analyze surrounding sounds throughout the night, so you can understand if certain noises may be causing you to wake up unexpectedly.

Some connected pillows also come with a smart alarm, designed to wake you up at the most convenient time in your sleep cycle. For a gentle awakening, it’s a great ally!

The Connected Mattress

In the same idea as the solutions we talked about previously, the connected mattress measures the different parameters of your nights:

  • Sleep phases, their durations
  • Micro-awakenings
  • Movements and changes of position
  • Room temperature
  • Your heart rate

The data collected here is more detailed than with connected watches, headbands, and connected pillows.

Furthermore, certain connected mattresses offer a particularly interesting option for your comfort: thermoregulation.

Thus, they integrate a temperature control system that, depending on your needs, cools your bed or warms it.

It is also essential to note that most connected mattresses are divided into two zones: this way, each sleeper has its part, and the quality of sleep can be analyzed for both people!

Warning: Connected Tools Do Not Help You Sleep Better!

It is indeed useful to clarify this: not all connected tools intervene directly in your sleep to improve it.

The main use of connected sleep tools is to evaluate the caliber of your nights, aside from the white noise that some headbands emit that can aid in easier sleep and the thermoregulation that some mattresses provide.

The information that is collected helps you better understand the reasons for a lack of sleep or poor quality sleep.

If you want to find solutions to soothe your nights, our article “How to Sleep Better and Enjoy Truly Restorative Sleep” can help you.

Among the solutions that are essential to know when you want to strengthen the quality of your sleep and boost the duration of deep sleep, we find:

The importance of not eating too fatty or too sweet in the evening, to avoid digestive problems at night;

Creating a sleeping environment conducive to relaxation: a dark, silent bedroom furnished with furniture that is not too bulky and pastel-colored walls that do not irritate;

Adopt An Evening Ritual Conducive To Relaxation, To Condition Your Brain Before Going To Sleep

gentle activities (such as writing, reading, painting, and music), moving away from smartphone screens, television, tablets, and computers (which emit blue light harmful to sleep), breathing, sophrology, and relaxation exercises, infusions with calming plants (verbena, chamomile), use of soothing essential oils (such as lavender).

Opt for quality bedding: Turn to a mattress that takes care of your body and to a pillow adapted to your sleeping position, your body type, and your possible health problems (night sweating, neck pain, neck pain). back…).

To make your choice accurately, this little test of 8 questions will help you find the pillow that suits all your specificities!

If you lack sleep and tend to wake up tired, then connected sleep solutions can be essential allies.

Some tools can quickly turn out to be very expensive, such as connected mattresses: which count around $1000, depending on the options you want to obtain.

Headbands, for their part, can be offered to you for around $400.

You can find connected bracelets at more affordable prices: count around $30 to $50 for an entry-level bracelet, which will provide you with essential information to understand your sleep.

So, ready to try smart sleep?

I have an extended article stating: Sleep Smarter: 19 Tips To Improve Your Sleep For Life