Sophrology: The Keys To Reconciling With Your Sleep

If you’re angry with sleep, you’ve probably tried many tricks… Yes, but none of them have worked for you yet, and you feel that your sleep debt is piling up.

So, to fight against this lack of sleep, sophrology could well accompany you.

Make way for a few exercises, to practice in peace, to reduce your stress, make it easier to fall asleep and soothe your nights

How Does Sophrology Work On Sleep?

Sophrology is used to calm the nights, improve the quality of your sleep and make it easier to fall asleep.

 To achieve this, the objective of the exercises is to be more attentive to your body and less to your mind.

It is indeed by detaching yourself from your thoughts that you will succeed in making room in your brain, to enjoy a more beneficial quality of sleep.

Thanks to the sophrology exercises on sleep that are practiced daily, you create a kind of ritual, both mental and bodily, thanks to which you indicate to your brain that you are ready to fall asleep.

You put it in condition to enjoy a calm night, which places rest and relaxation at the heart of your sleep.

The sophrology exercises practiced just before going to bed help you to fear less the nights of sleep, which are sometimes distressing for some sleepers.

They help you let go, by freeing you from your thoughts: thanks to sophrology, you stop focusing on the sleep that does not come, you release your tensions to soothe your body and your mind.

Ready to try?

Sophrology Exercises To Ward Off Stress

Sophrology exercises can be performed during the hour preceding your night’s sleep.

If the approach of the night worries you, this exercise to ward off stress can be particularly useful.

Lie down in bed with your eyes closed and focus your full attention on your face first. Start by relaxing your forehead, and releasing your eyebrows.

Then loosen your jaws, and let your tongue settle in your mouth. The idea is to focus on each part of your face to relax each area, little by little.

Then feel your throat clear, and focus on your shoulders. They relax, which then allows you to relax the muscles of your arms, then of your hands.

It is then the turn of your back to relax, then your stomach. Then relax the glutes, the legs, and finish by doing some rotations of the ankles.

When your whole body is relaxed, focus on that feeling of rest and release for a few minutes. All tensions are evacuated, and you feel heavier.

A Sophrology Exercise To Fall Asleep Faster

If you spend long hours trying to fall asleep, sophrology can also help you. Indeed, the more difficult it is to sleep, the more we focus on the problem…

And the more we focus on the problem, the more we stress, and the less we manage to access sleep.

So, to fall asleep faster, start by sitting in the back of a chair, in a position that relaxes you.

Close your eyes, and become aware of your presence on this chair: the idea here is to succeed in being in the present moment.

You then feel the weight of your body and of all the concerns from which you will have to free yourself.

You are going to inhale by inflating your belly: at the same time, count to 3 or 4. Then block your breathing for a few moments, for about 5 seconds.

Then blow very gently through your mouth, like through a straw, for a count of 6.

For 2 minutes, and just before going to bed, you can perform this abdominal breathing exercise, widely used in sophrology to calm the body and mind.

An Exercise To Soothe Sleep

For this exercise, you will have to focus on the solar plexus, located between the sternum and the navel. In sophrology, it is the center of self-confidence.

Here, the objective is to associate visualization with breathing: it is an exercise that promotes relaxation and oxygenates your brain.

To sleep better and soothe your nights, this exercise is a real ally. You can practice it sitting, standing, or lying down.

1) Start by exhaling first.

2) Then inhale through your nose, expanding your stomach. Put both of your hands on your belly, so that you can really feel the comings and goings of your breathing.

3) Exhale as slowly as possible: empty all the air from your lungs, while drawing in your stomach.

Inhale while holding the air for a few seconds. When you breathe in, that’s where visualization comes in: imagine yourself filling yourself with calm, serenity, positivity, and peace.

Exhale through the nose, evacuating all the negative elements that hinder sleep: stress, tensions, doubts, fears.


So, to sleep better, ready to test sophrology exercises? And if you have serious problems falling asleep, our tips for falling asleep peacefully are with you!

I have an extended article stating: The different sleep cycle