The Benefits Of A Weighted Blanket For The Elderly

The usefulness of a weighted blanket for the elderly. Weighted blankets are great for everyday use.

Specialists and other occupational therapists also highlight the virtues of sleeper’s bodies and minds.

In addition, depending on your age (child, teenager, adult, or elderly person), you benefit from specific advantages.

In children and adolescents, the weighted duvet is most often used to manage hyperactivity, in adults, it is mainly used to calm anxiety or reduce stress, both of which are responsible for more than 70% of cases of hyperactivity. insomnia in the USA.

As for the elderly, the use of a heavy blanket is recommended as part of the treatment of certain pathologies, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

In this article, I will first tell you about the benefits of a weighted blanket for the elderly.

Also read: How to choose a weighted blanket?

Let’s go.

Weighted Blankets For The Elderly: What Are The Advantages?

The benefits of weighted duvets for seniors are manifold. This is what justifies the interest of seniors in them.

Reduced Stress And Anxiety

Using the weighted blanket helps you fall asleep. For the elderly, the ballast effect is even more useful on a daily basis.

Indeed, this type of coverage helps to reduce the level of anxiety and has a positive effect on stressful situations resulting from a number of factors:

  • memory loss,
  • mood and personality changes
  • but still have difficulty performing familiar tasks.

In addition, the duvet exerts such pressure on the body which, as a result, will release hormones that will help soothe the sleeper and calm him down until he finally sinks into Morpheus’ arms.

It is this action that has earned it the designation of “anti-stress duvet”.

Help For Older People With Alzheimer’s

If a weighted duvet helps to fight stress and anxiety, it is also very practical to relieve certain ailments of old age.

Thus, people with Alzheimer’s disease can use it daily to sleep better.

How can we explain it? This duvet stimulates their sense of proprioception. Thus, they can finally focus on their physical sensations and relax.

To go further: Alzheimer’s weighted blanket, a heavy duvet to soothe tensions

Weighted Blanket For The Elderly: A Natural Solution To Fight Against Mental Disorders

Alzheimer’s is not the only disease involved. With age, many other psychiatric illnesses and behavioral disorders appear that can delay seniors falling asleep, such as

  • sleep disorders (night wandering, daytime sleepiness, disturbance of the sleep-wake cycle, evening restlessness, etc.),
  • the Depression,
  • addictive disorders (alcoholism),
  • Parkinson’s disease,
  • etc.

The use of drug treatments, as in the case of Alzheimer’s or dementia, can temporarily give satisfaction to people who suffer from these ailments.

But, the dangers for the organism are very present.

Thus, specialists recommend their patients resort to more natural solutions that exclude the use of chemicals.

This explains why the demand for proprioceptive coverage has increased sharply in recent years.

These duvets contribute by their weight to refocus the attention of seniors on what really matters. Being truly focused on their sensations, they will be able to fall asleep more easily.

Why Recommend A Serenity Weighted Duvet For Seniors?

On the market, you will find several brands of weighted blankets. However not all of them are necessarily suitable for use by seniors.

Indeed, some models are not made with superior-quality materials. This is the case for products from China, which are generally inexpensive with a fairly low resistance threshold.

This situation could have a real impact on their effectiveness; which would at the same time reduce the user experience.

Also, there are often seasonal covers on the market that will have to be replaced fairly regularly to meet the expectations of the user.

Not practical for once you tell me. Indeed! You will usually need to purchase more than one cover to get through the year; which is not very economical either.

Fortunately, there are versatile sensory duvets that are more suitable for use by older people.

unboxing weighted blankets, you can use them all year round. The one I recommend is obviously the Wakeup Serenity weighted blanket.

It has two summer/winter sides for even more optimal comfort. In addition, it is a “Made in USA” product that benefits from “organic farming” certification.

You will find them in three different sizes 6 kg, 8 kg, and 10 kg. The must is that the coverage is guaranteed for 30 days.

If the experience is not conclusive, you can return it without obligation and you will be reimbursed.

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