What Are The Best Positions To Relieve Asthma Symptoms While Sleeping?

What are the best positions to relieve asthma symptoms while sleeping? Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that affects the airways by causing attacks of shortness of breath, coughing, and wheezing.

People with asthma may experience difficulty breathing even when performing normal daily activities.

In addition to disrupting the quality of life of sufferers, asthma can also cause sleep disturbances.

Asthma symptoms can be worse at night, leading to frequent awakenings, shortness of breath, coughing, and fatigue.

This can make it difficult for people with asthma to sleep peacefully and wake up rested and refreshed.

In this article, we will try to understand the risks associated with the sleeping position of people with respiratory problems and the most appropriate ones to relieve their symptoms.

Also read: How To Improve Your Sleep Hygiene?

 Let’sdive in.

Risks Of Poor Sleeping Position For People With Asthma

People with asthma can experience airway obstruction during sleep, especially when sleeping on their backs.

It can lead to nocturnal asthma attacks, shortness of breath, and coughing.

People with asthma who sleep on their backs tend to have their heads and necks tilted back, which can lead to airway obstruction.

This position can also cause the spine to bend excessively, which can worsen asthma symptoms.

People with asthma who sleep on their stomachs also have similar risks of airway obstruction.

It is therefore important for people with asthma to choose a sleeping position that keeps the airways open.

Sleeping positions that maintain an upright posture, such as sleeping on your side, can help reduce the risk of airway obstruction and nocturnal asthma attacks.

Asthma: Recommended Sleeping Positions To Relieve Symptoms

People with asthma are recommended to sleep on their side, rather than on their back or stomach.

The lateral position keeps the airways open and reduces the risk of nocturnal asthma attacks.

The lateral position also helps maintain an upright posture, which can help reduce excessive spinal flexion and prevent airway obstruction.

It is also possible to use a pillow to support the spine and avoid neck and chest pain, which can aggravate asthma symptoms.

It can be helpful to sleep with a slight tilt of the pillow to promote easier breathing. Using a special pillow or putting a small cushion or folded towel under the pillow can accomplish this.

Preferably, avoid pillows that are too thick or too soft, which can cause excessive flexion of the cervical spine.

Additional Tips To Improve Sleep Quality For People With Asthma

Other methods can help improve the quality of sleep for people with asthma, including maintaining a clean and cool sleeping environment, such as avoiding

  • mites,
  • animal hair,
  • cigarette smoke,
  • strong odors.

These factors can irritate the airways and make asthma symptoms worse. Also, it is recommended to avoid energy drinks such as caffeine and alcohol before bed, as they can disrupt sleep.

On the other hand, if you are reading this article, contact your doctor to discuss the options available to you for suitable treatment.

Finally, it is recommended to practice regular physical activity to strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve lung capacity. This can help reduce asthma symptoms and improve sleep quality.

The Importance Of Consulting A Doctor For Appropriate Treatment

In conclusion, asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that can cause sleep disturbances and fatigue.

It is therefore important for people with asthma to understand the risks associated with their sleeping position and to know the most appropriate sleeping positions to relieve their symptoms.

Maintaining a clean sleeping environment is key to reducing symptoms and preventing asthma attacks.

Asthma treatment is often individualized based on disease severity, frequency of symptoms, and response to medications.

 The doctor can also advise you on best practices for managing your condition, including the most appropriate sleeping positions, breathing techniques, and ways to prevent asthma attacks.

People with asthma can enhance the quality of their sleep and lessen the disruption that the disease causes by taking the right actions.

To go further on the subject of sleeping positions

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