Weighted Blanket Review: Which One To Choose, For What Use?

What opinions are on the weighted blanket? Initially, weighted blankets were designed to help autistic people focus on their physical sensations.

Subsequently, it was noticed that they could help you fall asleep. In a hectic world where stress and anxiety significantly reduce the quality of sleep, these blankets are welcomed with great relief.

Besides, it’s the users who talk about it best. What opinions do they express?

Also read: The Weighted Blanket Recreates The Feeling Of A Hug, A Massage

The Weighted Blanket Promotes Falling Asleep

Scientists recommend several solutions to combat insomnia. People who suffer from it and who have used a weighted blanket give fairly favorable opinions regarding its use.

The testimonials that come back the most are that the weighted blanket helps you fall asleep.

 Users explain that once wrapped in a blanket, they have the impression of having entered a comfortable environment.

This sensation gives rise to a feeling of warmth and security which allows them to relax and then fall asleep.

What Is The Basis?

In reality, it is the characteristics of this duvet that allow it to provide such sensations.

It is a thicker cover and therefore heavier than standard duvets because of the microbeads (plastic or glass) with which it is provided.

At bedtime, the sleeper feels a deep pressure on his body. Experts talk about “Deep Touch Pressure”.

Weighted Blanket Releases Anxiety And Stress

You have certainly understood that the weighted duvet helps you relax. With this relaxation, people suffering from stress and anxiety can experience it daily.

They testify that their body is completely wrapped in the blanket and claim to feel a certain pressure, a bit like a massage. This is undoubtedly what promotes this state of physical well-being.

The weighted blanket has an impact on the mind in addition to the benefits it provides to the body.

Since the body and the spirit are linked, the well-being brought to the body inevitably affects the mind of the sleeper.

Some users have claimed that the weighted comforter acts as an antidepressant. This is probably because of its ability to calm the minds plagued by stress and anxiety.

Weighted Blanket Relieves Restless Leg Syndrome

One of the major benefits of the weighted blanket is without context the relief it brings to people who suffer from restless leg syndrome.

This evil manifests itself in several ways. It can appear as a strong and constant urge to move the legs or as a tingling in the legs removing any desire to sleep.

In their weighted blanket review, users suffering from this syndrome claim to feel an incredible feeling of security under their duvet.

In addition, the fabric in which the duvets are designed is quite soft and pleasant to the touch.

To date, there is still no effective treatment for restless leg syndrome. Nevertheless, the weighted blanket helps to annihilate its effects.

With its weight, it exerts a slight pressure on the lower limbs, which helps to reduce restlessness.

In the end, the comfort it generates allows you to sleep properly without the risk of being woken up by tingling in the middle of the night.

Weighted Blanket Promotes Relaxation

According to the reviews, the weighted blanket is very coveted because it promotes relaxation. Most users say they feel like they’re in a cocoon when wrapped in the duvet.

The cocooning effect is caused by its thickness. So, once covered, we tend to be calm and relaxed as if we had just followed a massage session.

Weighted Blanket Makes It Easier For People With ADHD To Concentrate

Patients who suffer from attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity have difficulty remaining focused, attentive, and completing certain tasks correctly.

Indeed, ADHD manifests itself through intense cerebral and physical activity.

The people responsible for accompanying them, particularly their parents, are convinced of the benefits of the weighted blanket. Their opinions are more than favorable.

They claim that the duvet makes it easier for their children to fall asleep. Since the duvets are relatively heavy, they can focus on what they feel on their body to fall asleep more easily.

The weighted blanket helps people with sensory processing disorders sleep better

Like people with ADHD, patients with sensory processing disorders also experience disturbed nights. The latter develops either hypersensitivity or sensory hyposensitivity.

Those who experience sensory hypersensitivity lose interest in their surroundings when they perceive signals strongly.

This state of affairs somewhat complicates the ease of falling asleep and sleeping properly.

Some people report having followed the advice of their specialists. They have tested the weighted blankets and are delighted with this experience.

They assure that today they manage to fall asleep more easily and that they have a restful sleep. This results from the duvet’s ability to decrease irritability.

We already know that the weight of the blanket promotes rest for people with sensory processing disorders. Added to this is the fact that it can be used to stimulate people who lack sensory stimuli through touch.

Weighted blanket review:


User reviews are positive when it comes to weighted blankets. They are very beneficial daily. As long as you choose a quality cover. There are plenty of them on the market.

In addition, the cover is treated to prevent the proliferation of mites and micro-organisms. However, manufacturers advise against use by children and babies.

If you weigh less than 20 kg and before 3 years, the blanket can be a source of suffocation.

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