What To Do Before Going To Sleep For Better Quality Sleep?

What to do before going to sleep for better quality slepp? The night is the only time of the day when we have the opportunity to rest and get rid of the stress accumulated during the day.

If we sleep badly at night, we are unable to relax and evacuate the tensions that the nervous system supports.

What you do before going to sleep can have a big impact on the quality of your sleep.

In this article, we’ll look at good bedtime practices and what you can do to adopt them on a daily basis.

Also read: How To Improve Your Sleep Hygiene?

Let’s go.

Read A Few Minutes

At least half an hour before sleeping, it is advisable to sit comfortably and read a book, even if you are very tired.

Be sure to read the lines in paper format and not on a screen which would have the opposite effect of the desired effect of reading…

Researchers have proven that reading a book can help achieve better quality sleep. It can also help relieve pain or fatigue related to the workday.

In addition, reading a book before going to sleep has also been proven to be good for mental health. If you usually take sleep medication, try replacing it with some reading each night.

Unplug All Devices

The days are more and more filled and occupied by the screens. We spend our time consulting them: computer, tablet, telephone or even television screens.

But the glare of screens also has harmful consequences on our health. It can cause drowsiness, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

Blue lights from cell phones before going to sleep can prevent the body from entering a sleep phase.

Don’t Think About Work anymore.

Researchers from the University of Utah have found that people who think about their work in their spare time have sleep problems and lower self-esteem.

“We know that chronic stress is associated with sleep loss, work fatigue,, and the onset of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),” said Professor Jim Blascovich, one of the researchers and main authors.

“This study showed that thinking about work during leisure time decreases sleep quality and can even cause impaired self-esteem.”

So to avoid thinking about work in the evening, occupy your mind differently before going to bed.

Write Down Everything That Concerns You

If you are afraid of forgetting certain things that you have to do the next day, take a notebook and make a list.

Writing down everything you need to think about tomorrow will clear your mind and free your nervous system.

As a result, you will go to bed much more serenely, and you can fall asleep without fear of forgetting something the next day.

Think About The Positive Things Of The Day

To fall asleep in a good mood, it can be interesting to remember things that happened during the day and that had a positive effect on you.

Congratulate yourself on having done things well, think about how you accomplished them…

This will chase away negative thoughts and will allow you to fall asleep in a better mood to be in shape and rested when you wake up.

Go For A Walk

Some health professionals recommend going for a walk of about 20 minutes each evening to reach a natural state of fatigue before going to sleep.

This outing can allow you to synthesize the past day, to gradually stop thinking about work, to breathe natural and pure air and to have a moment for yourself.

Practice Meditation

You’ve probably heard of it before, but doing meditation at night before bed is a great way to get restful, quality sleep.

Indeed, meditation will automatically relax the mind and prepare it to enter a phase of rest and relaxation.

A 10-minute session each evening is enough to slow the heart rate and prepare for going to sleep.

How Can I Sleep Faster And Improve Sleep Quality?

How to sleep well? To sleep better, you need to know a few tricks to get rid of certain bad habits, improve your sleep environment and tame the “ruminations” caused by stress or anxiety factors.

Here are our 10 tips for sleeping well and improving the quality of your sleep!

  1. Regular sleep schedules.
  2. Regular exposure to light.
  3. Avoid taking naps.
  4. Avoid drugs and alcohol to sleep.
  5. Don’t stay in your bed.
  6. Don’t watch the time at night.
  7. Not too much stimulating during the day.
  8. The atmosphere of your bedroom must promote sleep
  9. Rest, leisure and physical activity: the right measure
  10. Healthy eating habits

Read more here: Sleep Smarter: 19 Tips To Improve Your Sleep For Life


Now you know what to do before going to bed for better quality sleep. Keep in mind that if you suffer from insomnia, relax but avoid taking a nap if you feel very tired during the day.

In general, a nap reduces sleep pressure; you will be less tired when sleeping at night.

The nap disrupts your sleep/wake rhythm.

I have an extended articles stating: What Are The Benefits Of Melatonin On Sleep? Benefits, Uses, Side Effects and Dosage

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