What Type Of Sleeper Are You?

What Type Of Sleeper Are You? Our sleep is not always balanced. Sleeping well is essential in our daily life, for our health, to be in shape, and during our stressful days.

But few of us take the time to listen to our body and know what it needs for sleep. We need sleep and we sleep an average of 6-7 hours per night.

Sleeping longer does not automatically mean that you are more efficient at work…

Some people are satisfied with a few hours of sleep while others need a lot more to be in good shape.

But then what type of sleeper are you?

In this article, I am going to explain the differences between all types of sleepers.

Also, read: Insomnia, Waking Up At Night, Sleep Problems – What Can You Do?

Let’s go.

What Kind Of Sleeper Are You?

The Snorer

Are you snoring, or does the snoring of your partner wake you up during the night? It should be noted that snorers rarely get restful sleep because snoring interferes with optimal breathing and oxygen movement.

Additionally, the relaxation of the nose and throat explains why snoring happens when you are extremely tired.

Alcohol can lead to snoring as well. Snoring is still something to watch out for, as it can sometimes hide more serious problems.

People who snore every night may have sleep apnea, which interrupts breathing very often during the night and can cause heart problems in the long term.

Smoking and being overweight can also cause this kind of problem.

The Walkman

It is a sleeper who is dynamic and who, as you will have understood, moves a lot during the night. Some people simply have more restless dreams that cause them to move around in their sleep.

However, it may be prudent to check for a possible state of anxiety or stress.

The Talkative

Approaching the Walkman, the chatterbox probably has more intense activity during the night. Except that, he expresses himself by speaking…

Nothing shows a health problem, except if you feel stress on a daily basis and you feel that your sleep is not restorative.

Today, half of children speak in their sleep and 15% of the French population would also be affected.

The Nibbler

Do you wake up in the middle of the night and take the opportunity to nibble on a little treat that you find in your cupboards?

This reflex, which seems harmless, can actually be a sign of medical problems such as blood sugar imbalance, diabetes, or several various pathologies…

If you smoke or are overweight, it would be best to consult a doctor to tell him about it.

The Night Owl

These people tend to go to bed much later than others… According to some studies, people with higher intelligence would be more affected by this behavior.

High achievers and determined people are examples of night owls. Be careful, however, of the level of stress and bad eating habits that can set in in the evening.

The Kleptomaniac

The kleptomaniac has the annoying tendency to pull the blanket towards himself and keep it only for him!

The problem is often that this behavior wakes his partner who tries to retrieve the blanket, which ultimately interrupts the sleep of both people.

The kleptomaniac sleeps deeply and does not realize what he is doing, so talk about it if this happens to you, without rushing him…

The Anesthesiologist

These people are lucky, they are used to falling into Morpheus’ arms almost the second they lie down… The facts make you want to, but it could be that exhaustion is the source of this behavior.

If you are constantly tired and can fall asleep anywhere, it is best to communicate these signs to your doctor.

Thyroid disorders, lack of vitamin D, and depression are signs that can lead to intense fatigue and excessive sleep.

The Lizard

Do you have trouble getting up every morning and waking up is a nightmare for you?

If you are a teenager, it is normal, growth takes a lot of energy, and waking up can sometimes be difficult.

On the other hand, if you are an adult and you have trouble getting out of bed every morning, it may be a question of exhaustion, depression, or demotivation…

It is time to talk to a qualified health professional.


Now you know the type of sleeper you are, have in mind that the amount of sleep is important.

But its quality also matters to be at your best mentally and physically.

It all depends on whether you are an “ally” of your sleep, if you fear it, or if you expect too much of it.

I have an extended article stating: A Better Understanding Of The Link Between Diet And Sleep