Do Weighted Blankets Help You Sleep Better?

Do weighted blankets help you sleep better? Yes, it does. Sleep disorders affect a large part of the world’s population. In the US, the situation is not much better: one in three Americans suffer from insomnia or sleep-related disorders*.

Experts recommend getting a weighted blanket to compensate for lack of sleep.

How can using a weighted blanket for sleeping promote better sleep and falling asleep faster?

Let’s find out together in this article

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Let’s go.

Why Should You Buy A Weighted Blanket For Sleeping?

The weighted blanket proves to be very beneficial for their beneficiaries. This is due not only to its characteristics but also to its different properties.

Ideal Features for Fast Sleep

When talking about these characteristics, we are referring to the external appearance of the weighted blanket. In fact, these heavy duvets are generally much heavier than standard models.

We therefore find ourselves in the presence of a thick blanket whose weight generally varies between 5 and 25 kg.

For optimal use, the user must necessarily take their weight into account. In this case, it is recommended to choose a model that corresponds to 10% of your body mass.

In doing so, it benefits from more effective pressure on all areas of the body; which promotes good sleep.

To enjoy an even more unique sleeping experience, manufacturers also offer a selection of several models in different sizes.

Thus, there are weighted blankets on the market for women, men and children (over 5 years old).

If the mass that characterizes the weighted blanket may seem prohibitive, the advantages of sleeping under a weighted duvet are very real:

  • enveloping effect,
  • reduction of stress and anxiety,
  • fight against insomnia and sleep-related disorders,
  • etc.

Thus, the compact block that users have to deal with on a daily basis does not really represent a disadvantage, but a major advantage in the dynamic of well-being.

A study conducted in Sweden by an institute specializing in neurology and physiology has proven that using a weighted blanket to sleep at night makes it easier to fall asleep and promotes restful sleep.

This article might also be of interest: Study shows weighted blankets can reduce the severity of insomnia

Many properties to sleep better

The user derives his well-being from the comfort associated with the use of a weighted blanket.

Indeed, the natural materials or microbeads (plastic or glass) that are used in the composition of this blanket give it hypoallergenic, relaxing, and soothing properties.

People suffering from allergies, but also those who regularly experience stress and anxiety can finally sleep better.

But how can a blanket with such a massive structure allow you to sleep better and promote sleep?

What is a weighted blanket for sleeping? (How Does It Work?)

Due to its weight, it’s really hard to imagine wrapping yourself in a weighted blanket to sleep. But, once she lay in there, she didn’t feel as heavy.

And for good reason! The weight of the blanket is distributed evenly across the body. The sensation experienced by the user is much more intense than with a standard blanket.

In addition to being comfortable, the weighted blanket is pleasant and relaxing.

To promote sleep, the weighted blanket uses a technique called “deep pressure stimulation technique” or “Deep Touch Pressure”.

This means that when the body comes into contact with the blanket, the user automatically feels a presence: this is the enveloping effect of the blanket.

This effect is manifested by light pushes exerted on the entire body in a homogeneous manner which is similar to a tender and affectionate embrace or cuddles.

This state of affairs is at the origin of the release of serotonin, a chemical substance whose activity is the regulation of sleep.

The weighted blanket also helps reduce stress and anxiety. These two ailments are the basis of the various sleep disorders that exist.

Indeed, deep pressure stimulation helps to substantially reduce the level of cortisol in the blood.

By regulating the stress response of an individual manifesting this type of disorder on a daily basis, the blanket generates a feeling of security and warmth in the latter; which promotes rapid falling asleep.

In addition to releasing serotonin, the weighted blanket causes the release of oxytocin.

It is a hormone that, while reducing blood pressure and slowing down the heart rate, gives the user a feeling of relaxation.

This makes it easier to sleep.

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