The Weighted Blanket: Help With Sensory Processing Disorders

Like ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and ADHD (attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity), sensory processing disorders manifest themselves at a young age.

Diagnosed very early, there is a chance that children with sensory hypersensitivity will live more or less normally in an environment that is generally hostile to them.

Symptoms tend to persist into adolescence and even later. Therefore, some patients can also develop these disorders in adulthood.

For the latter as well as for the youngest, the use of a weighted blanket can be very beneficial on a daily basis.

In this article, we tell you why weighted blankets can help with sensory processing disorders.

Also read: A Weighted Blanket For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Let’s go.

Weighted Blanket: Natural Components To Manage Irritability

People with sensory processing disorders develop hypersensitivity to either

  • hearing
  • static
  • visual
  • tactile (touch).

So, depending on the type of sensory hypersensitivity, the symptoms are not the same.

Furthermore, in these patients, sensory stimuli generally reach the nervous system intensely. The consequence is that they often show signs of irritability.

This state of affairs is not really likely to facilitate life in society, treatments likely to limit its manifestations are available.

Apart from medication, specialists (occupational therapists) offer a set of measures whose aim is to successfully integrate people suffering from these sensory dysfunctions into society.

Among the solutions proposed is the use of a weighted blanket.

Indeed, the composition of these covers is rather interesting. Most commercially available models are made from natural, non-toxic materials.

The advantage of these materials is that they are generally hypoallergenic and safe for the body.

Thus, a person developing tactile sensory hyperactivity will not otherwise be affected by contact with a weighted blanket.

Ideal Weight For Better Grip

Sensory processing disorders also manifest as sensory hyposensitivity.

Thus, some children, adolescents or adults develop insufficient sensitivity.

They seem to need more sensory stimuli for their nervous system to grasp information.

Generally looking for stimuli, they are particularly attracted to activities that involve collision and like intense pressure.

Fortunately, weighted blankets are able to provide this type of sensation.

They can be placed in the category of “stim toys”. These are in reality products specially designed for therapeutic purposes.

As part of a larger touch stimulation program, they allow people with sensory processing disorders, among others, to focus on their physical sensations.

It is because of their massive structure that weighted blankets are recommended by occupational therapists.

In fact, they are quite thick, unlike standard duvets. Thanks to their weight (between 5 and 25 kg), these weighted blankets have an enveloping effect that people suffering from sensory processing disorders should particularly like.

In addition, the blanket exerts deep pressure evenly distributed on the body for a peaceful and comforting sleep.

Sufficient Properties For Optimal Comfort

Apart from the weight and composition of these weighted blankets, other elements allow us to affirm that they are suitable for people with sensory processing disorders.

Indeed, the use of this type of weighted duvet leads to the secretion of

  • serotonin,
  • melatonin,
  • oxytocin,

in the brain and throughout the body.

These hormones have soothing and relaxing properties; which makes weighted blankets exceptional products for a special clientele.

Ultimately, weighted blankets have many benefits. Using these thick duvets helps sensitive people regain some semblance of normalcy and sleep better on a daily basis.


However, to enjoy a memorable sleeping experience, it is particularly advisable to ensure that the weight of the weighted blanket represents approximately 10% of the user’s body mass.

In addition, although the blanket is also suitable for children, it is not recommended to use it to cover children under 5 years old.

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