How To Sleep Well At Night Without Waking Up?

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How do I sleep well at night without waking up? Sleep is an essential part of our health. Without it, it will be difficult for you to have a good day filled with joy and good humor.

Often, it’s the little things that make the difference. It is essential to identify them, this will help you limit the risks and have a bad night.

To sleep peacefully at night and not be subject to too frequent awakenings or sleep cycles interspersed with an awakening, even unconscious, you will have to be vigilant about the habits you have, and the sleep environment and we will mention some specific situations, such as hot days.

This article is going to be a summary that will allow you to know all the good habits to have to sleep well at night without waking up.

Habits That Prevent You From Sleeping Peacefully

The drinks

We are big consumers of tea and coffee and it is not recommended to take it in the afternoon or at the end of the day. These are stimulants that will prevent you from sleeping properly and soundly.

The same goes for sodas, like Coca-Cola.

Often people are used to it and say to themselves “It doesn’t bother me at all”. However, this is not the case at all, quite the contrary! Theine and caffeine are stimulants.

They will stimulate the inside of the body and prevent it from sleeping. It is for this reason that frequent awakenings occur at night.

To avoid them, do not consume these drinks well before bedtime!

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The sport

It is a classic that is difficult to deviate from, especially for students and teenagers. Sports sessions are usually done after work or after the school day.

However, it is advisable not to do sports in the evening, because it is a physical activity that will fully wake up the body.

This one will have all the tight muscles, and they will prevent you from sleeping well.

This is a neglected point because sports sessions often take place in the evening…

The Hot Bath For Better Sleep: Myth Or Reality?

Men and women find themselves, especially in winter, taking a good hot bath before sleeping. Is it a good idea? It’s not always the case. They stimulate the body a lot.

For the person to fall into deep sleep and sleep straight through, the body will naturally lower its temperature. The hotter the bath, the hotter the body will be … and the less well it will sleep.

This is an important calming sign to take into account: take lukewarm baths or a quick shower before sleeping!

Despite everything, the hot shower or bath will soften the muscles by promoting muscle relaxation conducive to sleep.

Screens And Blue Light, The New Enemies Of Sleep…

With the emergence of screens, both mobile phones and tablets, computers or television, the new generation (and even those who are not part of it) have become accustomed to watching series in bed. Thanks, Netflix

This is very clearly a bad habit that can negatively impact people’s mental health and sleep.

We recommend following recommendations from night and sleep “health experts” that screens should be avoided for at least an hour before sleep.

The eyes will rest and will not be “attacked” as is often the case.

That better light is going to be an inhibitor of melatonin, the sleep hormone, which is secreted after dark.

Do You Have The Ideal Environment To Sleep Well At Night Without Waking Up?

People do not care much about the living conditions of the room in which they sleep. This is a big flaw because your environment will help you get the sleep you need.

Here are 5 tips to help you sleep well:


We will avoid, from the beginning, to put a temperature higher than 18°C in the room. The cooler the temperature, the more the body will be able to lower its body temperature to promote sleep.

It’s not always easy, especially in the summer, but we’ll talk about that at the end of the article. Solutions exist.

If you are cold, then put a hot water bottle on your feet, and you will find the sleep you need. Your nights will be sweet and calm.

No Electronic Objects In The Room

It’s not always easy, especially when you have children who want a computer and a television in the bedroom, to watch movies and series or to play video games.

Instead, we suggest that you take the time to prepare the body for falling asleep. This can be the establishment of a new routine that will perfectly meet these needs.

For women, it’s about taking the time to remove makeup. For men, reading a good book will be a great opportunity.

On the other hand, you will always be able to position a dream catcher or dream catcher above your headboard!

The Bed, Object Of Your Sleep (And Your Desires)

We don’t eat on the bed. We don’t watch television in bed. We don’t work in bed. On the other hand, you can have sex at will! You can sleep as long as you want.

It is essential to center this object (the bed) to prevent it from being used for other purposes. In addition, it will avoid having bad positions and feeling pain, especially in the back and neck, the next morning.

Silence And Darkness

To promote the good sleep of the body, we can suggest having a dark room. Avoid pets and/or aquariums that make noise and can keep you up at night.

No light will be visible. It is necessary to put all the chances on your side to sleep peacefully.

Using A Weighted Blanket To Sleep Better At Night

Still little known in France, these weighted blankets, also called weighted blankets, are heavy blankets generally weighing between 6kg and 10kg.

These weighted duvets were originally intended for people with autism, allowing them to calm down and reduce their anxiety states.

A scientific study conducted in Sweden in September 2020 also demonstrated that the weighted blanket reduced sleep disorders in ordinary people.

Read the article: Study shows that weighted blankets can reduce the severity of insomnia

Thus, sleeping well at night without waking up thanks to a weighted blanket makes sense because the weight of the latter will reduce your movements often resulting in nocturnal awakenings.

How Not To Wake Up At Night When It’s Hot?

How to sleep well when it’s hot? This is a question that comes up often, especially when summer is approaching and temperatures do not drop below 20°C at night.

You have to find the method that works for you.

For example, you can dampen the curtains in your bedroom to lower the temperature in the room.

The other solution that works relatively well is to lie down wet, after a good hot shower.

You will lower your body temperature and you will have an easier time sleeping.


Now you know how to sleep well at night without waking up.

Finally, you have the eternal trick of keeping a bottle of water near the bed to hydrate yourself so as not to get up and wake up your whole body.

With all these tips, you’re ready to sleep well, and you won’t wake up during the night, trust us.

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